Gerhard K. Heilig

Curriculum Vitae Publications Conferences Presentations Websites
First published: 1 June 2022 by GKH;
Last update: 1 June 2022, by GKH/CHS

Conference Presentations

2018 Heilig, G.K.
The demographic dimension of Energy Systems
Invited Presentation prepared for the International School on Energy Systems of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, organized on September 3-8, 2018 at Kloster Seeon, Germany
2017 Heilig, G.K.
Long-range Population-Scenarios
Presentation prepared for the “High-level Workshop on Management of Natural Resources from the Perspective of Sustainable Development III” of the Forschungszentrum Jülich - organized in Bonn on September 12, 2017, Universitätsclub Bonn e.V., Germany
(Download PowerPoint Presentation)
2017 Heilig, G.K.
World Population Outlook
Presentation prepared for the “International School on Energy Systems” of the Forschungszentrum Jülich - organized at Kloster Seeon on September 3-8, 2017, Germany
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2015 Heilig, G.K.
United Nations Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision
Invited Presentation at the International School on Energy Systems, Forschungszentrum Jülich, organized on September 7-11, 2015 at Kloster Seeon, Germany
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2015 Heilig, G.K.
Demographische Ungleichgewichte: Ein Vergleich Afrika - Europa
Präsentation für die Fachtagung der Akademie für Politik und Zeitgeschehen der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung zum Thema: “Demographische Ungleichgewichte weltweit und ihre Folgen”, 17. Juli 2015, München, Germany (in German)
(Download PowerPoint Presentation as pdf)
2013 Heilig, G.K.
Population and Economy - Global demographics and the changing world
Invited Presentation at the 1st Annual Client Conference of Kings Point Capital Management, 4-6 October 2013 at the Trump National Doral, Miami, USA
(Download pdf of Presentation)
2013 Heilig, G.K.
Global Demographic - Future Trends
Keynote Presentation at the Morgan Creek Spring Investment Forum, 21-22 May, 2012, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
(Download PowerPoint Presentation)
2012 Heilig, G.K.
Strategic Implications of Demographic Change in Asia - Analysis based on the 2010 Revision of the World Population Prospects
Invited Presentation at the U.S. Naval War College, 24-25 May, 2012, Newport, Rhode Island, USA

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2005 Heilig, G.K.
Kann sich China selbst ernähren? Eine inte­grierte Analyse.
Invited Seminar Presentation at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kinzelbach, Institut für Hydromechanik und Wasserwirtschaft, Nov. 9, 2005, Eidgenössische Technische Universität (ETH), Zürich, Schweiz
2005 Heilig, G.K.
Establishment and Application of Sustainable Development Indicators Systems.
Presentation at the 21st Century Forum on Sustainable Development - China and the World. Thematic Conference on "Sustainable Development Indicators and Green GDP", Organizer: The Administrative Centre for China's Agenda 21 (ACCA21); Chinese Society for Sustainable Development (CSSD); EU-China Environmental Management Cooperation Programme (EMCP), Sept. 5 - 6, 2005, Beijing, China.
2003 Heilig, G.K.
Do we really care about food safety? Facts and myths about consumers' preferences.
Presentation at the International Symposium Food Safety: Consumer, Trade, and Regulation, January 2003, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2003 Heilig, G.K.
Rural development or sustainable development in China: Is China's rural development sustainable?
Paper presented at the ECOLINK Workshop: Eco-Sites, Eco-Centers and the Implementation of European Union Environment and Sustainable Development Policies; Montpellier, France
2001 Heilig, G.K.
Dimensions of rural development in Europe: A synthesis of research perspectives.
Presentation at the International Conference Models on European and World Integration; 12-14 September 2001, Banska Bystrica, Faculty of Political Sciences and International Affairs, University of Matey Bel Banska Bystrica, Scientific Script, Vol.4, pp.89-93
1997 Heilig, G.K, Fischer G.
Modelling land-use change: some methodological considerations.
Presentation at Session I05: International - Population, environment and sustainability, Organizer: Lutz, Wolfgang, XXIIIe general population conference (IUSSP), 11 - 17 October 1997, Beijing, China
1995 Heilig, G.K.
Modeling land use/cover change in Europe and Northern Asia.
Presentation at the Conference on Land Use for Global Environmental Conservation (LU/GEC) - Global Environment Tsukuba '94; Center for Global Environment Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Environment Agency of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan, CGER-1017'95, pp. 79-86
1993 Heilig, G.K.
Der Einfluß grenzüberschreitender Migration auf die Bevölkerungsstruktur. Ergebnisse von Simulations-Studien zur Migration nach West-Europa.
Präsentation bei den Verhandlungen des 26. Deutschen Soziologentages in Düsseldorf 1992. Publiziert in: Schäfers, B. (Ed.): Lebensverhältnisse und Soziale Konflikte im Neuen Europa. Frankfurt (Campus), 135-144
1989 Heilig, G.K.
Wissenslandschaften statt Daten-Berge! Überlegungen zum Informationsproblem in der Sozialwissenschaft.
Präsentation am Deutschen Dokumentartag, 1989. Informationsmethoden: Neue Ansätze und Techniken. Proceedings, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dokumentation, Frankfurt, Deutschland